Body Lotion

Use: Great recipe that does not spoil easily without the aid of refrigeration.

1 cup of aloe vera gel
1 teaspoon of lanolin 1 teaspoon of pure vitamin E oil
1/3 cup of coconut oil
1/2 ounce of beeswax
3/4 cup of almond oil
Up to 1 and 1/2 teapoons of essential oil of your choice or more to prolong scent

Place aloe vera gel, lanolin and vitamin E oil in a blender or food processor.  Melt the coconut oil and beeswax separately until fully melted.

Stir in almond oil, reheating if necessary. Run blender at low to medium speed.   As soon as you have a cream-like consistency, stop motor, add essential oils and pulse blend.  Transfer cream to glass jars while still warm because it thickens quickly.

IMPORTANT SAFETY TIP: Beeswax melts at 143-148 degrees. It is pliable at 100 degrees. All waxes will ignite explosively when they reach their flash point temperature. To melt beeswax safely, place it in the top of a double boiler, or place the container of wax in a larger container of hot water. Do not melt beeswax in a microwave, as it could become hot enough to ignite. Do not cover the beeswax while melting in a container of water, as steam may condense on the inside of the cover resulting in water in the wax.  To measure a small amount of beeswax, grate it before melting.

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