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Beatty Honey



Regular price $4.50 CAD
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The flowering plants and trees in the spring and summer are a mix of alfalfa, red clover, wild strawberries, wild blackberries, dandelion, apple, and lilac blossoms which the bees collect from.  Sometimes we are able to draw an early run of honey in the late spring/early summer.   We call this our Spring Blossom Honey.  The taste and composition of wildflower honey varies depending upon the predominant variety of flowers in bloom at the time the nectar is collected. 

We are a boutique honey operation.  We do not strive for consistency in flavour or colour from one batch of honey to the next.  We collect honey twice in the summer to give our customers the variety of honeys made from the earlier spring blossoming plants and trees and then the later mid-summer blossoming plants and trees.  The honeys are distinctly different in colour and in taste.    

Our guiding principle is to Never Blend Honeys.  We don't mess with mother nature!  We offer our customers honey exactly as nature creates it.  Each plant, each season, each geographic location contributes to the characteristics of honey.   We are not looking for consistency in our honeys - we look forward to the different favours.   This is why we collect wildflower honey at different times - to capture nature's finest from the different plants blossoming at different times. 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Donna Nash

Hi there!
My family and I are big honey lovers!
We absolutely, love your honey!
The care taken in your packaging, was awesome!
I was quite impressed. Thankyou so much.
I certainly will be ordering more in the future!
lol! I did make a large order this time! Thanks again

alida ledbetter
Wonderful Honey, wonderful service

Consistently delicious and the customer service is above and beyond.